samir knego
Three Things
the soft white ridges on the inside
of an orange peel could be snow-covered hills
in another life
I tried so very hard to make meaning out of braving the cold
and just over that next mountain is a sunrise, I swear
it looks just like a clementine
samir knego
Samir Knego spends his days photographing archival materials and thinking about the past. His essays, poems, and visual art have appeared all over the place, including in Religion Dispatches, Anti-Racism Daily, and Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature and he has had solo shows at the Hillsborough Arts Council Gallery, Art Therapy Institute of NC, and Eno Arts Mill Gallery. He is the Contemplative Practices Editor for Vita Poetica, a journal at the intersection of art and faith.
Samir is a former Press Pause contributor. :) Find his past work here.