marysa eve
“A favorite writing spot of mine, a cabin in Appalachia on a remote horse farm where I lived for several summers. The solace of that space, to me, is holy. Time stops in that room.” - Marysa Eve
marysa eve
Marysa Eve is a free spirit, singer-songwriter, horse trainer, painter, poet, & traveler. Raised in Boston, she spent her university years in Philadelphia and then lived in Florida, Ecuador, Northern Ireland, and most recently St. Vincent as she trains horses internationally for work. She learned how to play guitar while working in New Zealand, and learned how to play piano from her grandmother. Her voice developed after 12 years of professional training in an international youth choir based in Boston. She sung in a few bands, performing for years in the underground music scene. She has a background in poetry, and published an anthology in 2017; lyrics are the driving force behind her songs.