cliff saunders
The Swarm Set Loose
The night everybody ran like rats from the field of preservation, a man
witnessed quite a miracle when a nightmare ended just as it began: with
roses growing in a tumble dryer. A little boy saw something else while
trying to lift a sterling silver basket onto the back of a tiger: a cold breath
of the ancient world. As the snow opened its arms, the man stood alone,
one song at a time. His heart was met with music in his head! His brain
was converted to love in his stomach! As statues plunged from windows,
he was protecting pictures of Venus on a soggy sleigh. The man found
glass in his bed and discovered one statue near his hometown that made
a music suspenseful and dark. Feeling lonely, he just closed his eyes, and
the artist he inspired with his form sent hummingbirds into a bowling alley.
cliff saunders
Cliff Saunders is the author of several poetry chapbooks, including Mapping the Asphalt Meadows (Slipstream Publications) and The Persistence of Desire (Kindred Spirit Press). His poems have appeared recently in I-70 Review, Orchards Poetry Journal, Hidden Peak Review, New Feathers Anthology, and The Heartland Review.