Ash Goedker
Lake Looks Like a Lady Lake
We say worship. Say curtsy. Copy that.
Humidity slicks evenly this summer. Yes
we're still parched for a thigh high pitch
and wading. Sunday runs of slicing toes
on snails, bleeding eddies. Oh, voiding
sand and bottoms up. Say holy rug
of seaweed tossed to sister's shoulders.
Isn't it funny. She's our ugly dear. Our
charcoal howls. Dog's lapping the smoke.
Watch me do a flip. How long can you
[look at my handstand] hold [Heavenly
Father, bless this food to our body's use]
your breath? Lady Lake, ripple us to bed
like a phantom muscle. Say our napkins
bread bags and cups don't sail. Pray excuse
the front crawl of skin in our swimmer's itch.
Friend Falls Through Ice: Girl Unable to Save Her
Anemic fame: in gym she really couldn’t
lift herself. Girl recalls on the early news.
They say ice goes, takes fish
houses, unnoticed,
whole. Photos in paper of officers
warming girl. Still cold. She is still cold.
Dearly Beloved: Collage of Great Great Grandma's Wedding Procession Skit, Grandpa's Letter from the VA Hospital, and Granddaughter's Journal Entry age 17
we have gathered together (before the horsies)
(I love all of you so much)
which is an honorable mistake I laugh because
it’s true (I want out of this place)
Furthermore, we are told that life
is just one foolish thing after a long gold
necklace (You’ve been a real jewel
in my life) “You look
The little germ called love
which we have a good example (OVER)
(Long time no hear
from you) nobody ever
really tells me
(I feel sorry)
with an insane desire I could have
the rest of my
to that dreadful day (Copy this)
to go through pockets
of his trousers I could smell him
Henry (Darling) different
(heart trouble)
for the
of your natural life,
could because every detail could
not be forgotten
(I am yours)
take your turn
when it comes to washing the
dishes or walking the floor
with the triplets small talk for a bit then
then silence
promise to build fires (winter I hope you can
read this) he looked at me
(I want them to know I was afraid he’d say no they have a father) yes
(when we are hitched)
he should say being so soft
“Plunge in dearest” (The baby in me
must close) like the luckiest girl
this eventful union (get me out before summer)
ash goedker
Ash Goedker is from Northern Minnesota. She received her MFA in poetry at the University of Idaho where she was also the Editor-in-Chief at Fugue. She was the winner of the University of Idaho’s Academy of American Poets Prize, and was a finalist in the 2016 Indiana Review ½ K Prize. Her poems have appeared in Great Lakes Review, Indiana Review, Third Point Press and others. She lives in New Orleans and teaches at Nicholls State University.