andrey gritsman
Discount rate is over.
Snow packed.
It’s time for Nature’s
farewell to life.
Ice-frozen milk—live pearl.
I’m off for a walk.
Somewhere a child is born,
talkative, naive.
I have one last miraculous
word to say.
Stop by the post office,
flag fluttering
in the Canadian wind.
In fifty yards—little store,
overlooking the river,
abandoned, windows boarded.
The owner, old
Marine veteran, gone
last summer. I’d walk up
next door to my beloved shop:
local treasures, crafts and stones,
to find her a necklace, bracelet,
and a ring—for my beloved,
I haven’t met.
Russian translation by the author:
Льготный тариф закончился.
Снег отлежался. Природа прощается с жизнью.
Жемчужен скол молока.
Я ухожу на прогулку.
Где-то родился ребенок,
Мне остается чудесное слово сказать на прощанье.
На почту зайду, полюбуюсь на флаг.
У реки магазинчик заброшен теперь, заколочен, хозяин-старик,
сухой ветеран морпехоты, пропал прошлым летом.
Дойду до любимой лавчонки местных сокровищ.
Куплю ожерелье, браслет, два кольца
и кулон для любимой,
которой не знаю.
German Rug
Captured rug.
Milk stain.
I am five, sore throat.
Light stain of Soviet champagne.
My father’s young, 1955 New Years?
The rug’s eternal, sturdy German job.
Deep in the texture—
traces of the German family:
Brandenburg, Silesia.
Along the advance of the 33rd army,
3rd Belorussian front.
Now we are relatives with
an unknown, untraceable family.
Captured rug.
Russian translation by the author:
Трофейный ковер.
Молочное пятно.
Пять лет, ангина.
Легкий след от Советского шампанского.
Отец молодой, новый 1955-й год?
Ковер вечный, такая работа.
В глубоком слое – следы
немецкой семьи,
Бранденбург, Силезия?
По линии наступления 33-й армии.
Вот мы и породнились.
Трофейный ковер.
andrey gritsman
Andrey Gritsman came to the US from Russia in 1981. He is a physician, poet and essayist who writes in two languages. He has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize several times, received Honorable Mention and was shortlisted for Poetry Society of America prize. Poems, essays, and short stories have appeared in more than 80 journals including New Orleans Review, Notre Dame Review, and Denver Quarterly, and anthologized. Poetry and essays have been translated into several European languages. He edits the international poetry magazine INTERPOEZIA and runs a poetry reading series in New York City.