alyse knorr
The Desire of the Moth for the Star
is this that story again with the wings
& the sun once you told me about your
limitless want you told me you told
me yet still I’m all burning up can you
read the smoky letters can you smell
the charred-down wood once you told
me about a girl with wings & it was me
Less Than Everything Cannot Satisfy Man
an evil thing this reaching
this kudzu choked low
round the waist it grows
to live it kills to grow
it ends not ever beautiful
things are made of fire
& fire burns
you came from cold stuttering
wrenched engine & red ribbon
cream oh darling I’m quaking
taut & pure envisioned lying
on your side & me a pile of elbows
more stable nailed down in
this great shortage of houses near
extinct & virused the feature begins
heel chained new kind of debt
oh sweet one let’s make for
the woods no love sit there
& speak forever on nothing
I’m all tuned in
in your blue dress at the top
of the slide: your shoulders
& your knees & all those
nights I stared at the wall steel
limbed while the Top 40 played
occasionally your elbow
touched my arm & I bobbed
along not waving but drowning
did I shoot some gull from
the sky did I kiss the poison
mouth of some talented witch
did I dare to eat a peach
what is the story behind this
shore I’m all washed up on
alyse knorr
Alyse Knorr is an assistant professor of English at Regis University and co-editor of Switchback Books. She is the author of three books of poems, one non-fiction book, and three poetry chapbooks. Her work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Denver Quarterly, The Cincinnati Review, The Greensboro Review, and The Los Angeles Review, among others. She received her MFA from George Mason University.