aaron craig
you’re too uptight ~ still
even when you’re backwards, you’re forwards
and madly in love with me.
you go red when you’re anxious.
every indecision, each midlife crisis
makes me want to have my own.
don’t worry about it,
you’re on my radar.
keep me out after workdrinks.
i want to be enslaved by music.
don’t think about it too much,
you’ll only go redder
when you should be dancing.
don’t worry about it.
we’ll work our way out of these crowds of people ~
by morning we’ll be alone ~ don’t think about it.
i want to talk and move
but not think, don’t ask me
if it’s a palindrome ~ don’t fucking look it up ~
just tell me: racecar, kayak, rotor, motor, kosher,
just let me fall in love with you.
aaron craig
Aaron grew up in Tawa, New Zealand. He used to work as a programmer. Now he does odd jobs while travelling around Europe, mostly in the Netherlands. He has a blog about books at https://apposition.substack.com